March 31, 2025

HP Touchpad 16GB vs. VMworld 2011 vOdgeball

HP announced that they would be discontinuing the Touchpad sometime in Q4 of 2011.

There was a flurry of tweets on Twitter about the price dropping to $99.  What a great deal.  Especially if the rumor of someone porting Android to the HP Touchpad was true.

I thought to myself… It would be good to get one of these as a Christmas present for the kids to use.

I then looked at my calendar, and remembered I’m scheduled to play v0dgeball at VMworld 2011.  I’m looking forward to it, and even wrote a blog post about it on August 10th.

It really only took me about 5 seconds to see how $99 would benefit my kids, versus $99 benefiting many of my brothers & sisters in the U.S. Military that have made huge sacrifices and have been wounded, losing limbs & and having other disabling injuries.  My kids would have probably used it until the next big thing came out.  But a contribution to the Wounded Warrior Project can help change the rest of a disabled veteran’s life.

So rather than spending money on my kids, I decided to spend $100 to help the Wounded Warrior Project help my brothers & sisters.

Don’t get me wrong, a $99 HP Touchpad is a good deal.  I just figured I (my kids) could do without it.

I am not asking anyone to make a contribution like I did, but if we just had a huge number of people contribute $5, as our organizers have asked, to the Wounded Warrior Project, we could meet (or beat) our $15K goal.

Have a heart and contribute $5 (less than the price of a Starbucks Venti Cafe Latte) to help those that have put themselves in harm’s way and suffered from it.

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