NetApp SnapMirror Monitor Script – Part 2 using PoshOnTap
My first attempt at this worked out pretty well, but I’ve been looking into PoshOnTap, and come up with a more efficient script. PoshOnTap is …
My random tech thoughts.
My first attempt at this worked out pretty well, but I’ve been looking into PoshOnTap, and come up with a more efficient script. PoshOnTap is …
I was looking at some tweets, and noticed one from @ScriptingGuys about how to add voice to a PowerShell script. Here is the actual tweet: …
I received a beta copy of the NetApp Rapid Cloning Utility 3.0 the other day, and figured I would give it a spin this weekend. …
Working from home yesterday, I saw a tweet, and linked blog post, by Ivo Beerens, about configuring ESX via PowerCLI after the initial installation. Ivo …
February 10, 2010 Please join VMware® on Wednesday, February 10th, 2010 from 5:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres at Sullivan’s Steakhouse. …